Yoga Sadhana

This text is an excerpt from Nubia’s book Yoga and the Art of Mudras.

Sadhana means your daily spiritual practice; it is the method you use to understand your true nature. One’s yoga sadhana provides the means to discover the union between the individual soul and the eternal soul—in other words, to discover yoga.

There are many different practices nowadays that come under the umbrella of yoga, so a yogic sadhana repertoire can be diverse, complex, and even divergent, and that’s OK.

Understanding our individuality in relation to humanity can become the starting point of our yogic journey. As we identify our own real needs, our deep-rooted tendencies, and our psychophysiological makeup, and as we discover our physical bodies, our wounds, our gifts, and so on, we can choose the practices of yoga that will support us to evolve as spirits within this body.

There is never only one aspect of truth or one way of practicing yoga. Rather, there are many roads and many ways of practicing that lead toward the one and only universal truth. What we learn through our sadhana practice of self-study will hopefully ripple outward and help us see the diversity of creation without judgment and embrace the differences between us and others as elements that complement rather than divide.

The goal of our spiritual daily practice, our sadhana, is to come to a place of ease within ourselves and with the world around us. We can practice yoga by doing one more positive action and one fewer negative action every day. That will help us become increasingly aware of the purity of our own hearts and of the qualities we wish to embody and express. Some of those qualities include being receptive and able to set boundaries; being loving and protective, kind and truthful, and peaceful and strong; and serving humanity as we take refuge in and surrender to the Divine.

I support you in creating your own mission, and I encourage you to offer that mission as the seed of your intention during your yoga sadhana.

The Book

Yoga and the Art of Mudras is a guided journey into the alchemy of asana (yoga pose) and mudra (symbolic hand gesture). Nubia Teixeira fuses her passion for yoga and dance with her love for bhakti (devotion). Learn how to use the medium of your hands to bring about spiritual connection and manifestation.

G E T   Y O U R   C O P Y


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