Love and Spiritual Connections Are Your Legacy!

Let me tell you who you are….
You are a star that fell from the night sky to be in this world amongst other daring stars.
Let me tell you how you made this transition…
You trusted in your pulsing heart and you joined a descending cluster of other joyful stars.

I will tell you now something really relevant:
Faith and companionship propelled you to be here.
Excitement and cooperation allowed you to make this long, long, long, journey.
Openness and softness received you.
Power and magic manifested you into being.
Love and spiritual connections are your legacy.

While here in this beautiful world!
Shine brightly
Find your star peers that will excite you and support you to shine more expansively.
Be open and soft to receive whatever comes your way….
Have faith and courage and always count on the Divine and on your friends.
When it is time to return to the dark sky again.

Remember this: Love and spiritual connections are your legacy!


Mudras in Yoga


Yoga Sadhana