What is Bhakti Yoga?

This text is an excerpt from Nubia’s book Yoga and the Art of Mudras.

Bhakti Yoga awakens the devotional heart and kindles the quality of love inside of one’s inner being, resulting in external acts of love and service.

Bhakti Yoga is an ancient path of yoga, considered to be the most effective in this era of Kali, or darkness because it can guide those who practice it toward the great salvation of divine love. Bhakti, often translated as “devotion,” is a type of practice that allows a practitioner to develop a personal relationship with the object of devotion, the deity being worshiped, or both. For many other paths of yoga, attachment is perceived as an impediment to enlightenment. Within the Bhakti Yoga tradition, however, faithful attachment to the object of devotion can lead a bhakta to union with his or her because it can guide those who practice it toward the great salvation of divine love. Bhakti, often translated as “devotion,” is a type of practice that allows a practitioner to develop a personal relationship with the object of devotion, the deity being worshiped, or both. For many other paths of yoga, attachment is perceived as an impediment to enlightenment. Within the Bhakti Yoga tradition, however, faithful attachment to the object of devotion can lead a bhakta to union with his or her devotional service without expectation of reward. Neem Karoli Baba said to his followers, “Feed people and love them,” or, “Love everybody, serve everybody, and remember God.” I take that lesson as my main orientation on karma yoga.

Infuse every act, including your yogasana, with the sincerity of your heart. With that authentic love flowing from your devotional heart, go about your day doing whatever you can to benefit others. As Krishna says, in the Bhagavad Gita, “Better to fail to do what you must than succeed in a dharma not your own, for that way is dangerous” (Joshua M. Greene, Gita Wisdom [San Rafael, CA: Mandala Publishing, 2009], page 18).

Ultimately, experiencing the Divine in our day-to-day life, in everything we do, and in everyone we see is part of the goal of reuniting or yoga. This goal can keep us on track and inspire us to be the best we can be at all times. Slowly and skillfully, we can create the conditions that lead us toward this objective.

The Book

Yoga and the Art of Mudras is a guided journey into the alchemy of asana (yoga pose) and mudra (symbolic hand gesture). Nubia Teixeira fuses her passion for yoga and dance with her love for bhakti (devotion). Learn how to use the medium of your hands to bring about spiritual connection and manifestation.

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