What Lakshmi Says

What Lakshmi Says Conversation (Part 1)
comes from a sadhaka that focus (and worries) about the use of their time and resources.

What Lakshmi says Conversation(Part 2)
 comes from a sadhaka (practitioner) that focus (and worries) about their spiritual & material life.

In the ancient texts of the Upanishads, the teachings spring from these Conversations between student and teacher.

So, here, Lakshmi Devi Herself is our teacher ;0) Wow!!!! 

What Lakshmi Says: (Part 1)

She says: Love more.

And I reply: But I am too busy and I have too many things to do.

She says: Your love is like water and it will nourish you and help you to accomplish more.

And I reply: But if I give what I have I will not have enough to continue my own journey.

She says: If you give generously your all, I will reset your inner well and pour my waters abundantly over you.

And I reply: But I fear it won’t happen and I will end up dry and with nothing. So, I rather hold on tight to what I have and to what I know right now.

She says: Have faith and listen to my teachings about the nature of movement of life force and love. It is an ancient wisdom and it is present in Nature (Prakrti).
Give, give, give and you shall have more.

I will never give up on you and let you dry completely.

And you reply : ...

What Lakshmi Says (Part 2)

She says: Live your life fully ! Here! In this body!

And I reply:

But I am told by others that this physical life is just a dream and that I have to focus on my spiritual life.

She says: Your material life is a gift from my material form. I am Mother Earth (Bhumi Devi) and I am Mother Nature (Prakrit) and all the material contents of this material reality springs from my spiritual, subtle and eternal realities.

And I reply: But if I focus on enjoyment of this material life, I will be bound to this world of things here forever.

She says: I am the giver of material enjoyments (Bhukti) and spiritual liberation (Mukti). And I can guarantee to you that the way of evolving spiritually is by appreciating this lifetime and enjoying the friendships, the love and the bountifulness of this manifested world.

And I reply: But I still fear that by living my life fully and by being distracted with beauty, I might be compromising my evolution as a spiritual being.

She says: Take the example of a flower, any flower. It goes through the whole process of growing from a hidden seed into blossoming just for the sake of expressing itself fully in beauty and bliss ( Ananda) and of partaking fully in the display of my divine play (Leela). After that cycle is completed this flower will surrender back to my earthly body and have the opportunity to continue with the process of participating as an offering of nourishment to the soil.
Whatever accomplishments you achieve in this lifetime, in every moment, at any cycle, you will bring with you into your next incarnation as your own spiritual bounty.
Have faith and listen to my teachings about the nature of movement, of life force, and of love. It is an ancient wisdom. Experience your life fully, say yes to the yearnings of your heart. Live, live, live  and you shall live more.

I will not give up on you.

And you reply : 


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