Practice Bhakti Yoga With the Divine Mother

I will share with you some thoughts on how you can exercise your devotion towards the Great Mother Goddess.


Begin by calling Her name: Maa, Maa, Maa…..

Then, slowly enthrone Her presence in your Heart….and as you sit in meditation, take refuge in Her love within your own heart space.

Allow yourself slowly to grow your personal relationship with this Devi within, conversing intimately with Her on a daily basis, in the moment-to-moment activities of your life, and open to listening to Her daily orientations to you.

As you develop this relationship = bhakti yoga with the Divine Mother, and as you deepen your faith in Her presence and benevolence… Begin to see Her Power (Shakti)  in all of creation, especially in Nature (Prakriti) and in all sentient beings. Then, slowly open your eyes to see the magic of Her enchantments (Maya) weaving your inner and outer life into a beautiful tapestry of resource, restoration, inspiration, abundance, magic, strength, friendships, awakenings, joy, connections, and much more.

If you want to go deeper in this relationship = bhakti yoga… here are a few suggestions:

1-Take some time to walk in Nature and commune with Her bountifulness.

2- Take some time to dance and offer it to Her.

3- Take some time to chant ‘ Jaya Maa, Jaya Maa, Jaya Maa’ and offer it to Her.

4- Take some time to cook a nutritious meal, offer it to Her, Give thanks to Her;  and eat it slowly, nourishing your body; and/or, invite a friend to share this meal with you; and/or bring it to a homeless shelter near you.

5- Take some time to devote to an artistic project (writing, painting, sculpturing, and etc….)  and offer it to Her. 

Basically, just take some time to dedicate your attention to She who is everywhere and in everyone.  She who is always near will respond to your personal love=bhakti, with Her Supreme Love = bhakti.

Jai Maa, Jai Maa, Jai Maa!!!


What Lakshmi Says


What is Bhakti Yoga?