How Brahma Created the Fifth Veda

This text is an excerpt from Nubia’s book Yoga and the Art of Mudras.

Mudras have been taught as a way to express and tell stories that increase morality, awaken the heart, and orient both the performer and the audience toward union with the Divine. The first chapter of the Natya Shastra beautifully explains the origin of the power of words, stories, and movements, which I share with you here, in my own words:

Once upon a time, Indra, the god of the heavens, and other devas approached Brah- ma, the god of creation, with a request: “We desire to have our stories retold. It is our wish that these inspirational tales become popular and that people of all castes have access to them.” Brahma looked at the gods in front of him and replied, “So, it shall be.” Seated in his yoga posture, Brahma summoned, in his mind, the four Vedas and then said, “Let me create the fifth Veda; it shall be called Natya (drama), and, combined with the stories of the epics and sacred scriptures, this Natya Veda shall awaken virtue by art, wealth by practice, and spiritual freedom by grace.” The benevolent Brahma then created the Natya Veda by drawing forth the words from the Rig Veda, the singing from the Sama Veda, the gestures from the Yajur Veda, and the flavors from the Atharva Veda. And, having done so, the Brahma said, “May this body of art be the source of counseling for all flavors (rasas) and all moods (bhavas) and be expressive of all actions (kriyas). It should serve as a resting place for all in need, grieving, weary, or unhappy. This book will reunite everything that is separate, bestowing union (yoga) to love and beloved. I made this book for all seven lands, for the mortals and immortals, and in accordance with the world’s order (sva-bha- va). May the weals and woes of humanity be expressed in art through the movements of the body, in worship (puja), and in total devotion and surrender.”

The Book

Yoga and the Art of Mudras is a guided journey into the alchemy of asana (yoga pose) and mudra (symbolic hand gesture). Nubia Teixeira fuses her passion for yoga and dance with her love for bhakti (devotion). Learn how to use the medium of your hands to bring about spiritual connection and manifestation.

G E T   Y O U R   C O P Y


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Ode to Shiva!